To the best of my knowledge, Texas has no legislation pending or passed related to abstinence-based computer security training. All names and quotations were made-up as well.
I had hoped to make a joke, based on emulating abstinence-based sex ed, but with the web. I could say that I wrote it too well. But I think what's really at play here is our expectations of Texas lawmakers. I'll leave it at that.
Bio Break Mix Tape: Garbage, A’me Lorain, and more!
12 hours ago
aren't most of your posts on here made-up, highly ironic?
this is a serious question btw! :D
What made it so believable is i wouldnt put it past one of the southern states to pass something crazy like this. BTW im allowed to critisize southern states born and raised in one. Still living in one.
Not sure whether to believe this or not.
I did see the "humor" tag on yesterday's post, but I thought even if it's real maybe you find that really humorous...
Feeling a compulsion to spend your own time correcting idiots' misconceptions of you is a slippery slope.
I tend to think that if they're that dumb, their opinion is really not worth a second of your time.
@Syl: Maybe sarcastic, but I don't make stuff up very often. I usually just opt for not even pretending to have any information.
@bobreaze: Is Texas really South? I've always seen it as its own brand of crazy.
@Josh: Dammit!
@Edawan: That definitely was a non-definitive piece of evidence.
@Coreus: I'm not quite sure what this has to do with this post. Opinions of me are a side topic. Is this about opinions of Texas?
i would say its own brand of crazy with southern sprinkles.
hes lying its all true he just decided he doesnt want to make america look bad to the eurobloggers
Shaddup ya Greek-sounded elitist!
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