I know you like to go fast and furious and just bam bam bam, fast lane fast life bam bam bam, but it pushes us away. You weren't always like this. We used to have fun without it. We used to have fun. Now you're just...
You've changed. We can't keep up with you when you're like this. You're obsessive and pushy and rude. It's as if you cannot bear to keep still.
I liked it when we just drank. You know, fill up and keep it flowing and have some water so we don't crash. Good times.
We could meet people back then. Talk a bit. Sure it wasn't always coherent, but I feel like you can't even string a sentence together anymore. No one wants to be around you when you're like this. So we're all just rushing around trying to be done with it but it's never fast enough for you.
We all like to move, but you're just so damn twitchy. And if you see a gap you just, just go in, like you can't stand to be near us either. Like we can't even stick together.
Speed is messing you up and I can't stand it anymore.
Syp’s gaming goals for February 2025
1 day ago
That's... disturbing.
Had a tank that did that. We called him a bot and loudly considered kicking him. It either wasn't a bot, or was a very well scripted one.
lol dude, I just love speed tanks! I also am a speed tank on my DK, although limited by my poor gear...
why would I want to spend an extra second in that boring content I've ran a million times...
If you're so bored by it that your entire objective is to get it done and over with as fast as humanly possible, then why play?
It's a serious question, not a trolling one. If we can't stand to be in these instances, then what are we doing in there?
Let's say, I got a new char to 80 which I want to do some PVP, or raid ICC, or solo low level instances for that matter... I need to get some gear first, or I wont be able to get into raid runs, nor solo the old content, nor stand a chance in a battleground for the honor grind...
so I do some heroics for badges... what else... can you blame me for wanting to do them as fast as possible and get to the "fun" part faster?
Fair enough.
This seems to go back to the problem of how progression has died. In similar /played and with less repetition, though perhaps more RL time, going up the raid tiers would get a person a decent set for ICC. But because progression has been outright rejected and discouraged, barely any raids form except ICC and the weekly.
It seems like incredibly bad design to reduce the many beautiful instances to places that we hate but must run anyway, so we rush through as fast as we possibly can.
It's too bad we somehow cannot enjoy the process itself so we don't need to rush through it just to get to something bearable.
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