Raise your hand if you're sick of seeing posts about people sick about seeing posts about people sick of WoW and are quitting.
You can put your hands down now. I can't actually see you.
I can't quite remember the first angry ranting quitting WoW sucks post I saw. But it was not recent. It was not this year. Or last year. Or even the year before. Hm... angry quitters, as far as I can tell, seem to have been around since WoW began. I remember in vanilla when Blizzard was going through a series of much-needed class balancing and tuning patches, changes on a scale you'd normally expect for expansions, or that recent kerfuffel over aggro. Every single one of this patches was destroying WoW. Every class that had a patch was ruined. Every other class was ruined as well. They were dark times, a sure sign that WoW had fallen from the Golden Days of, let's say, two months before any given time.
My point is this: angry whiny veterans being angry and whiny about WoW are not new. Sometimes they have something worth saying. Sometimes they don't. But I am certain of one thing: they aren't going to stop any time soon, whether you scold them or not.
It's a bit of a mirror situation, I believe. The angry whiners write angry whiny posts and other angry and whiny people rally around them to be angrily whine. The loyalist tells them to shut up and quit if they're so angry and whiny, which in many cases they have done already, and a lot of other loyalists rally around expressing loyalty. It is ultimately just an arbitrary tribal activity. For the King! Or God! My God, to be specific, not yours, because my god is better than your god because mine is God! Also, shut up or be burned at the stake.
Yes, I am suggesting that people who criticize the endless angry whining are the same as the Spanish Inquisition, except more expected.
But dammit, what am I doing, except whining about the whining about whiners? Does that merely loop back around and put me on the enemy-of-enemy side and make me a whiner or am I a meta-whiner? I'm not sure I object to whining as a general principle, but maybe only in these specific cases. Except even then, I'm not sure I have a problem with the original whining, perhaps only the whining about whining. In that case, maybe it is the hypocrisy that bothers me? But who am I to criticize hypocrisy when I am so often myself? That would be hypocritical. About itself.
My head hurts now.
How to get a good map in Civilization VII
14 hours ago
My head hurts now too :P
I think you should just promote yourself to god of whining and hypocrasy, and then you can sit happily above both groups, occasionally throwing down lightening or flowers, or something :P
A little whining is fun - or whining about whining. one rule though: if you have to whine, whine in style.
Every day, in every way, we are getting meta and meta.
You should have saved this for whiny post day.
Haha. Very nice. I still whine about crusader aura mastery. Feel free to throw something at me, preferrably flowers.
You should really stop whining about the whining loop, because this causes yet another whining loop which is about whining loops. And after than we go into the third dimension ;)
At which point we can whine about this .. which would take us into alternative universes. Careful now ...
At least whining loops keep our minds busy? ;)
I prefer the blog wars that drop the foreplay and name names. Way too much passive-aggressive "some people say" language. If there isn't spittle on the monitor and you can't hear the aneurysms forming over the interwebs, you aren't trying hard enough.
@Issy: You spelled hyprocisy wrong!
@Syl: Isn't "whine in style" an oxymoron?
@neowolf2: Is there a neowolf1?
@Adam: Nope, doesn't work. That would be too late, but not late enough. I only write about things that are relevant or hopelessly irrelevant.
@Gladiola: Your name sounds like a happy musical instrument.
@Nils: The new alternative universe is really bad. Remember when they used to make good alternative universes?
@neowolf2: Is there a neowolf1?
Some day, I'll get a Delorean, a flux capacitor and some plutonium, and kill his grandfather.
What are you doing? You're making a start on a solid grant proposal for funding of your next social science research paper: 'Modern Social Group Formation: The Whiner/Anti-Whiner dynamic, an MMO case study'...
...at least I think that's what academics do :)
@Kleps I did it deliberately to prove that you hurt my head! :)
@skapusiniak: If I can give that a public policy spin, I might be able to sneak it through next semester.
Seems easy to whip up a public policy spin. "Media vs. Perception: Push Polls, Whiny Narrative and Controlling the Dialogue, and How To Get the Public to Push Your Policy"
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