Hickory Pipe: 15.5s per stack of five.
Heavy Junkbox: Needed for Ravenholdt rep.
These are both able to be pickpocketed from Scarlet Crusade mobs in the Plaguelands.
They use the same loot sound. So there I go picking along and getting a little bit of excitement from that sound, since in LBRS it is a unique indicator that I've picked what I wanted. But most of the time it's vendor trash.
Damn you, hickory pipes. Damn you, Scarlet Crusade.
I should have stuck with the trolls.
LOTRO: The week the game fell apart
14 hours ago
Why do you need Ravenhold rep?
It's one for a few exalted reputations needed for the achievement insane in the membrane, granting the title "the Insane.". It's completely worthless by itself.
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