A: Time for pun!
Q: What do you call it when a Tauren does double damage?
A: Bull crit!
Q: What do you call a loose explosive?
A: A rocket whore!
I apologize. While eating lunch I was struck by a sudden fit of lame. Tragically I had a pencil and paper nearby, so I was able to record my idea before it could be mercifully destroyed by forgetfulness.
WoW Classic: From jungles to wastelands
1 day ago
What do you get when you cross 40 level 60 gnomes raiding Onyxia?
A happy Onyxia (cause gnomes don't have healers).
What's the difference between a Tauren and a Dwarf?
It's easier to tell apart Tauren men from Tauren women.
Those actually hurt the eyes.
You have my pity and fear.
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