"Oh look at me, I hunt deer, ain't I so rugged and real?"
My blood elf (who I must add is far more attractive, wears less makeup, and only wears second-hand clothes) can kill a fully-grown moose with a single punch.
Beat that.
Note: I'm not trying to express a political opinion one way or another. I put those elsewhere. My motivation was doing a quest in Stonetalon Mountains while leveling my unarmed skill and realizing: I am killing a moose with a single punch.
Syp’s gaming goals for March 2025
17 hours ago
I found it entertaining
...which is what this blog is about amirite?
In no way do I endorse this method of tanking, but there is something satisfying about being able to hold aggro holding a shield and punching people in the face. I need level a shaman and equip some fist weapons. . .
damnit, just what I need, another alt to level. . .
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