I suppose it's karma.
Tonight my guild started a naxx 25 run. I joined since I'm still using the axe from heroic Loken. Some time passed and then we switched to VoA. However since we only had 18 or so people, I asked about it. Someone gave one of those sarcastic non-answers resulting in an exchange something like this: "VoA with only 18 people" re: "We're getting more?" Normally I'd either ignore it, or if it was a PUG, kick him, but I guess I was in a poor mood. Instead I logged out to go play an alt.
Then on my warrior I saw a naxx 25 group looking for a MT. So, I jumped on my paladin to go tank it. Why would I take a full PUG over a mostly guild run? Well, last time I ran naxx with my guild, it had a lot of new people. Undergeared, fine, but the real problem was that they were bad. At least a few are since gone. I didn't feel like dealing with the wiseass hunter from before and I didn't want to feel obligated to stay.
Long story short, the PUG was pretty bad. In contrast the guild run was going well from what I heard. Damn. One of the paladins in the raid was a former guildy. He said something about trying other wings before people got depressed. Being in a mean mood, I started cruelly joking that I was depressed ever since he'd failed at healing me on Patchwerk. Yadda yadda yadda I call him a liar after he said he'd never healed before and put him on ignore.
Apparently he started crying to our GM and he couldn't find the keys / i g n o r and e. We talked a bit and then I realized: the bad paladin quite possibly had not healed before. No, the bad paladin I was thinking of was someone totally different. Well, damn. I indirectly apologized in vent, asking if someone could tell him sorry, that I mixed him up with another paladin I hate.
I eventually left the PUG after we wiped on Gluth. Iapetes agreed with me on this: "It's later than I expected" really means "I thought we'd be done by now" which really means "We wiped too much."
So now I'm saved to naxx 25 at the start of the weekend and got absolutely no gear from the run, effectively paying several hours and 50-80g for a handful of badges. I guess I should have just stuck with the guild run. My attempt at relaxing from work failed completely.
World of Warcraft: The Ballad of Johnny Awesome
16 hours ago
"I eventually left the PUG after we wiped on Gluth. Iapetes agreed with me on this: "It's later than I expected" really means "I thought we'd be done by now" which really means "We wiped too much." "
Made me laugh. Spot on :)
If you want successful guild raids, you would probably be best to join a guild where logging to an alt is not allowed or take up some leadership in your current one.
Our guild has reincarnated 3 times to transform more and more to raid guilds, mostly the "raid core" has split repeatedly from the casuals until we, just last month, formed a full-on raid guild about a month ago.
@Kristine Ask: Glad I could help. :)
@Nomasun: My guild is actually around where I want it; I'm not a hardcore raider, I don't even consider it a proper way to play the game. Earlier this week during the scheduled raids, when invites are more selective we did well. While my posts recently have been a bit negative, I think we were just having a bad week or so, things have picked up. I'm not looking for a hardcore guild, if I was I'd have plenty to choose from.
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