In vanilla we ran around in greens and some blues. Purples were a strange thing to see.
In Burning Crusade we were certain to get our blues and as the expansion moved along, we got our purples from heroics and Karazhan.
Wrath of the Lich King purples were standard attire. A blue was a filthy, awful thing. A purple was really just barely getting by anymore.
Cataclysm came and did it give us a new color to yearn for? Alas, no. It gave us blues! Blues! Filthy rotten poisonous blues, rather than yummy delicious purples, yes, we wants we do. Our... precious. Purples. But did we gets them? No! They takeses them.
As expectations progress, it is important to either keep up with the expectations or to change the change in expectations (derive the derivative's derivative!). Cataclysm failed to do this. Wrath of the Lich King was an effective teacher and it taught us that purples were something to have, not something to get. Perhaps Cataclysm could have successfully transitioned back to blues, but it did not. I blame some of this on the lack of sets; none except for PvP and a few crafted; neither of which are instance loot. I've said it before, that sets are special, telling players that they are allowed to stay in this gear for a while while they gather the rest of the set, that they aren't expected to get this item and drop it an hour later.
In conclusion: The title:
Cataclysm heroics should have dropped legendaries.
World of Warcraft: Going down Undermine
22 hours ago
What's even stranger. They fucked up the item level formula with Cataclysm. A purple Cataclysm item now has the same amount of item points as a blue or green one. Purples are no longer better then blues or greens. (They did hide that because the first raid dropped higher item level items then heroics.)
With Cataclysm you actually got epics while questing. Just with a green color tag.
As Kring was saying, in Cataclysm the item quality is entirely cosmetic. This can be most easily seen in PvP gear-- the current blue crafted items are better than the 371 epic gear due to a slightly higher ilevel.
I remember blogging back when the Troll Heroics came out about how dumb it was that the drops were only 7 ilevels higher than the ergular blue Heroic drops, but they decided to make them purple to make them seem like a huge upgrade. It was a bit disappointing considering pre-Cataclysm the devs were going on about how epics were only going to drop from raids-- an idea that didn't even last for a complete raid tier.
You know what, with the above itemlevel model they could actually really easily create a situation in which the "quality" of the drop matched the level of content it was dropped from. Say, green from LFR, blue from raids and purple from Heroic raids. Functionally identical but the prestige going to where it's deserved.
Shame there are so many bad players who would literally enjoy the game less if you changed the colour of the gear. Says something, really.
"Functionally identical but the prestige going to where it's deserved.
Shame there are so many bad players who would literally enjoy the game less if you changed the colour of the gear. Says something, really."
You just said that the color is linked to prestige, so isn't it reasonable that a 'lower' color would be less desirable? Beside that, why include the adjective bad? There are good players who would enjoy it less and bad players who would be indifferent. Skill and psychology are not the same thing.
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