Call it mindless. Call it silly. Point out that it gives no 'real' rewards. Go right ahead. What do I care?
Defending against the dark iron dwarves is fun. They yell funny sayings. We fight them off by drinking and throwing mugs. There's a rhythm to it; throw, catch, throw, catch. The barkers tossing beer to us makes it almost like a massive one-way juggling contest: they throw to us, we throw to the dwarves. It is a beautiful sight to see the air filled with flying mugs and hear the barkers still yelling "You've tried the best, now try the rest! Ogre Brew!"
Today I got the physical DPS trinket off Coren. It was a major upgrade: it had way more flavor text than mirror of truth.
Yield! Fall of Rome
2 hours ago
I'm curious, does it stack with the other one? The way fire mage crit stacking works, both of the two DPS caster trinkets stacked together would actually make a half decent combo.
I have heard it does stack. I'd not be surprised if they added something so they cannot stack together, though without sharing a cooldown.
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