Insta-Level would be a terrible waste

| Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Jessica Cook asks, "which class will you insta-level?"
My response: None, because it's pointless.

Leveling a class takes a certain amount of dedication. It takes time. Less time than it used to, but 1-90 isn't a trivial investment. Not to be confused with I-90 which is currently undergoing a lot of investment. Similarly, gearing a class takes a certain amount of dedication. Less than it used to, but spending time in the Timeless Isle and running a few tiers of LFR aren't trivial investments.

As I see it, if I'm not going to have enough fun to level a class to 90, then I'm probably not going to develop it much at 90. In short, I'm going to be doing some short-term funsies playing. I can do that at level 15 just as much as at 90. I can run instances, BGs, do some crafting and fishing, and generally do a lot of what a max level character would do. If it's just to try out a class, then again, why not do that as I level up? You can get a decent feel for a class once you pick a specialization and leveling to that point is trivial.

You may have spotted the flaw in my logic here. No, it's not the subjectivity of my experience and perceptions.

Something useless cannot be wasted. If I can find no productive use for the insta-level, why not use it for something pointless? Why not snap my fingers for a max level... uh. Class. I lose nothing by it except the ability to use it for what I just used it for. If the insta-level is only useful to me for making a useless alt and I make a useless alt, then mission accomplished.

I just don't know which useless alt I'd make.

Perhaps someone else would find it useful for joining friends without burning vast sums of money on a server/race change. Suggestion for Blizzard: I would buy a server transfer if it included a race change, hint hint. Joining friends could justify the investment of time in leveling, but why not jump up and join them sooner? Of course by that logic, why not have recruit-a-friend give the new player matching gear? It's clear to me that friendship destroys all rules and standards. Friendship does not give meaning, but instead removes it and leaves nothing but nihilistic anarchy. That is why I don't like the insta-level.


Electrolux said...

I loathe Assassins Creed, every minute is torture and while I'm playing it I can't play with my friends, who rightly shun it (and me), but at least it only takes a week to be over and done with. I don't mind paying £40 for something I'll only hate for a very short time. This model is far more sensible than the MMO one, if I don't want to play a game why the hell should I be forced to just because you say not playing it is pointless.

Actually WTB 'Insta-Platinum Trophy' button for Assassins Creed. Would pay double.

Also, seriously Blizzard, just go ahead make Warcraft Boss Fight Game already. You know you want to, God knows it would be cheaper. You're just scared of ditching the World of Warcraft name you pussies.

Klepsacovic said...

I believe the Warcraft Boss Fight Game is called Zerus.

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