Ice Cream Online

| Monday, October 28, 2013
Have you ever seen what happens when you offer a child a wide selection of ice creams and toppings? You can guess: they take them all. The result has every best flavor ever with all the best toppings and is utterly revolting. Even the kid can barely stand it once it melts. At first it is great having all these different flavors, until they blend together into cold sugary cream with a disorienting array of natural and artificial flavors.

Thus it is with the game. We want this and that and that and the end result is disgusting. What if such and such game added player housing? And organized raids in this other one? Ooh, horizontal progression! Stick each in and it will work, at first, until it melts into a disgusting mix of goo. There will still be some bits of separate flavors and people will eat those and say that they taste just fine. But most of it is now goo.

By itself just about any idea is fine in a game. Permanent death. No death. Sorta death. With player and guild housing.

Yet I like the idea of this mixing. It's so tempting. It could work! Just a little bit of mixing, adding some chocolate to the vanilla and making sure the strawberry stays on the other side so it doesn't mix with the chocolate. And some caramel over the top. Delicious, and it might even stay that way until I've eaten it all.

Maybe this can be considered a reply to Syl's, as usual, well-written post: NBI: Armchair Game Designer. Or how that other MMO keeps ruining my Gameplay Experience.


Syl said...

Now I am REALLY wondering what toppings I used to go for as a kid rofl....but then, this isn't America where we have 200 different types! :P sometimes it's good to have less options, I guess. (choco crisps alllll the wayyyy <333)

Klepsacovic said...

Freedom isn't just about having good choices. It's also about having bad choices, choices so exceptionally bad that it makes absolutely no sense to have them, and yet you have them anyway. Freedom is exactly like Bernie Botts Every Flavor Beans, except not British.

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