People who leave the group automatically pass, even if they have selected something else already. Dropping group during loot rolls overwrites everything else.
Syp’s gaming goals for March 2025
19 hours ago
I'm regenerating 5HP per second and there's nothing you can do about it.
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I hereby second this idea.
I'd rather the loot system be smart enough to scan peoples equip and bags to identify that they already have said item that can only be equipped, that way i'm not rolling against a douchebag who already has said item and my chances are better because I dont have the item but douchebag does, so I win by default. Way better than everyone complaining that they have to wait two minutes for their loot. At least what I am asking for is reasonable and not because whoever is in a hurry to get their disenchant stuff, or offspec gear.
I don't see how a smarter looting system is exclusive with a more convenient rolling system. Or how a more convenient rolling system is not reasonable.
I like these thoughts. I haven't been playing MMOs recently; do these issues really come up all that often?
It happens often enough that I made a post about it earlier.
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