307.007 million in the US
7 billion in the world
That gives us about 4.39% of the world.
So happy thanksgiving to the best 4.39% of the world. Like my parents always said: choose your grandparents wisely.
And some for you too, Canada. You should be thankful. Without us you'd be the top hat to a completely empty land.
How to get a good map in Civilization VII
5 hours ago
We are the 95.61 % !!
Happy turkeyday
It's no happy day for turkeys. =/
LOL! What a great post that captures so much of U.S. thinking. Of course, I'd wish everyone else a Happy Holidays, but I guess I'm uncharacteristic of Americans? Shame on me :P
Happy T-day Kleps.
@Dwism: It doesn't have the same ring to it.
@Syl: I'd click the link, but I'm afraid PETA will try to install malware. Because they're assholes like that. One of these days I need to write up my argument for why vegans have no souls.
ROFL. Please do!
Eat more turkey! It will help you get less full
of yourself.
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