Person A: Copy-pasting optimal talents that someone else has figured out isn' much fun.
Person B: Why do you insist on playing badly? You must be a pedophile.
Person A: That's not at all what I said.
Person B: Then why is your 23rd talent point spent wrong? GO BURN IN HELL, NOOB.
Person A: This is why we can't have nice things.
Person A: Maybe the devs could change some things to encourage experimentation...
Person B: Experimenting with children, pedophile!
World of Warcraft: Going down Undermine
22 hours ago
Lol! But also /cry
ok, you MIGHT be exaggerating SLIGHTLY, but that only makes it funnier. :D
I do like the current, trimmed down talent trees, BUT, I also like the old way with lots of choices.
SO, does that make me a pedophile?
The FBI will determine that.
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